Amin Shaykho


Amin Shaykho is the CEO of Kadama, social media star, and software engineer. Shaykho is on the Forbes 30 under 30 list, TED speaker, and previously worked at Apple. Wikipedia

Official photo of Amin Shaykho.

Amin on the news

Amin's TED Talks &
podcast appearances

Amin founded Kadama, the most download Gen-Z tutoring app that connects 2 million students and tutors.


Raised $1.7M funding
Reached #2 App Store charts
2.5M followers & 1B views on TikTokInstagram
Listed on Forbes 30 Under 30 Education
$25K investment, University of Washington
#1 Northwest student startup ($10K award)

After raising $1.7M for Kadama, Amin left his senior software engineering job at Apple, where he managed teams and worked with leadership.


iMessage threads & mentions
Apple Research App
iOS App Clips
Core Location Framework

Amin grew his personal Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and Snapchat to 2.5M followers in the last 6 months.


2.5M followers & 1B views across @aminshaykho pages
Most viral video hit 150M views (Zara life hack)
Videos featured on Fox News, New York Post, etc.

Special moments